Sunday, November 25, 2012

Shih Tzus - but mostly Wilson

For anyone who knows me, my love of  Shih Tzu's is a "give me." My precious puppy dog, Wilson Edward Haile III, also known as: sweet pea, wil-nil, the willow-my-nelson, Wilston, the muffin man, the mama mini muffin, my chocolate chip muffin, my banana nut muffin, and the list continues.

 I mean, who could not love that  face. His bright pink tongue, black nose, dark eyes, and soft hair. Plus, Wilson, like the rest of his breed, loves children. He does a great job playing with my beautiful nieces and nephew. Also, he's super duper snugly and empathic. If I'm sad, he's there to cuddle me. I'm one lucky lady to have this beautiful dog!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Walking Dead

I watch the first episode of this show months ago. To say the least, I wasn't into it. My friend encouraged me to keep watching with the promise that I would one day love it. She was right. I do love it. It's not a show you can watch occasionally. It's not a show you can watch out of order like Seinfeld, Friends, Grey's Anatomy, or Sex and the City. (hint: these are my other favorite television shows). It has to be watched in order. The show reminds me of Lost. It has weird twists and turns. Main characters may or may not die at the drop of the hat, and you are positive the writers a playing a mind game with you, but you just can't give up.

Plus, you learn a new self-defense technique - the zombie bite.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Gummy Vitamins - For Adults

I don't know who came up with this idea, but it is ingenious. Gummy vitamins for adults. Sound silly? It's not. I gurantee you'll remember to take your vitamin. I keep mine in my guest bathroom where my number one man, Wilson (the shih tzu) stays while I'm at work. Each morning when I get him comfy in his room before heading to work I see these babies on the countertop and pop the two I'm supposed to take in my mouth.

I kid you not, I have never been able to take vitamins. I have had the same bottle of Women's One-A-Day vitamins for well over four years and it's only a third of the way empty. However I have not missed a day, a single day, of taking my gummy vitamins. Maybe I'm a child because I won't take "big kid vitamins," but, if I am, I'm loving every minute!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I have to admit I first bought SmartWater because of this advertisement. I mean, who doesn't want to be Jennifer Aniston?

Apparently their advertising strategy works. After all, I purchased the product. However, I continue to buy it because of the taste and the cute little fish that lives inside the bottle. I know it sounds crazy one brand of water tastes different than another? I never bought into the hype; I had no preference. Aquafina or Dasani? Evian or Perrier? They were all the same. Bottled water was bottled water. 
But, after having tried SmartWater, I have to admit my opinion has changed. The taste and texture of SmartWater is unique. It is certainly the only water I can drink 50 ozs of in just a few hours without even realizing I have.